How to Choose Recreational Rowing Docks That Are Right for You
Recreational floating docks can offer many great benefits. Another summer is almost upon us, and practically everyone is ready to get out on the water, whether it be a lake, river, or Intracoastal, and enjoy fun activities or just relax, while at the same time grabbing some rays. Knowing the different types of rowing docks before really starting your shopping is important. If you are trying to decide on which type of rowing dock will work for your needs, consider the following advice.
First, you want rowing docks to be able to move with the flow of water and adjust to the water’s height as needed. Recreational floating docks are all about rising with the tides to create a safe and seamless experience as you board your vessel and then disembark from it upon your return. Safety should always come first. A low freeboard rowing dock provides a safe and stable dock. There is also an access ramp available. A rowing launch dock offers a low freeboard while still ensuring buoyancy and stability. A rowing start dock is great for races and rowing clubs because it enables the rowers to safely enter and exit the shell of the boat.
You also want ease of access. The whole point of installing recreational floating docks is to have easy access to your rowing shell, boat, canoe, kayak, etc. so when you are ready to go, you only have steps to take to get on the water and start enjoying all that it offers.
You will need to consider how many canoes, kayaks, or boats will typically be boarding and unloading at the same time. Recreational floating docks can be customized to virtually any spatial requirements you may have. Make the rowing docks work for you.
How often do you plan on using your dock for rowing or other activities? When deciding on the types of rowing docks from which to choose, you will need to know your plan for its future. Do you plan on leaving it in place or will you use it and remove it from time to time, maybe for the winter months? It will depend on your location, the environment, and your needs.
What is the environment like where your rowing dock will be installed? Will it be on a lake, pond, residing near a wild bank, or a landscaped bank? All these questions need answers before you can fully decide on choices of recreational floating docks.
AccuDock is the # 1 trusted manufacturer for Championship Rowing Docks worldwide. We’ll provide fully welded dock sections that arrive for easy installation and removal. Call AccuDock today at 1-954-785-7557 to get started on creating your dream floating dock.
AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks
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