Kayak Slip Dock Safe Launch

The AccuDock Safe Launch feature provides the ultimate safety and comfort experience when launching a kayak. The Safe Launch can only be used on dock setups that have a slip. The ramp has an adjustable placement mount on the front side to get the proper slope required on the ramp to ensure that the ramp is completely universal no matter type of kayak or who is using it.

The back end at the opening of the slip has a quick adjustable system which allows you to bring the Safe Launch out of the water when it is not being used. Many of our customers have come back to us explaining the amount of comfort and stability they now have, using the Safe Launch.

“We are very impressed with the way everything turned out, everyone involved has been great! Our residents are getting up to speed with their new Kayaks and platform. I would especially like to thank you for your noticeable concern for our satisfaction. Much success to you and your company. Thanks again!”

Bob L. – Hillsboro Cove, Deerfield Florida

“Love the product. The dock is in and working wonderfully! So excited for kayak day!”

Michelle L. – Raymond, Washington

AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks
CALL 954.785.7557 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION

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